For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills….
Clichéd, the poet’s lines. But so eternal for me and my memories of Shillong….They make me smile, they make me sad, these memories….
And so I thought to myself, why not list my favourites? Ah, why not!
Shillong in November: That’s when the whole city turns pink in colour. It’s the Cherry Blossoms in full bloom at this time. The certain winter chill makes it just right for the flowers to bloom. The trees shed their leaves in October and then come the dainty, delicate flowers; they stay for a little more than a week and soon new leaves start coming. It’s a sight to behold……the romance of the wait through the year…..just how much i miss them all….sigh!
Ramakrishna Mission, Laitumukhrah: For most Bengalis in Shillong, going to the Ramakrishna Mission is a necessity. Since the time I can remember, I have been going there with elders in the family. No Durga Puja is complete without coming here; the birthday tithis of Ramakrishna, Sarada Ma and Swamiji bring thousands by the drove. An utterly simple and quiet place, with the garden full of flowers at all times of the year, RK Mission is another of my most favourite in Shillong…..
Catholic Church, Don Bosco: The biggest Catholic Church in the whole of North-East, I have woken up with the church’s bells every morning in Shillong. Being so close to our house, would always go there to sit in its long winding stairs, meet friends, love it decked up for Christmas and Easters. And one more reason too. Its huge Jacaranda tree overlooking the main road. It flowers every April. I have loved it, still do; for ever i have passed it by smiling at it, singing to it, telling it just how very beautiful it is
Golf Links, early in the morning: That’s when you can catch the dew in the grasses. But what is even more heavenly is the stiffness in the air, the sharp morning sun, the general quiet around the place and miles and miles of greenery. Sit there hours, singing and strolling, singing and strolling.
Jacobs Ladder, St’Anthony’s College: Yes, that’s my favourite too!! And though it is no longer what it used to be (for the ones who left Shillong a long time ago, Jacob’s Ladder is now a motorable road!!), I still love ‘running down’ that road and climbing it puffing and panting.
Fruit Garden: By far my most favourite haunt in Shillong, I would go there every other week to buy saplings, seeds or to simply chat with the lady gardeners who had magic in their hands. This is the Horticulture department of Meghalaya in the hills of Risa Colony, near Dhankheti. Go there if you want to see black colour pansies, many different geraniums, lillies, fushias…my heart grows pensive whenever I think of all those flowers I left behind…
Plan your Shillong holiday with help from our detailed posts at — Holiday in Shillong — Falling in love with her hills
If you are a first time visitor, do not miss Laitkor Peak, Wards Lake, Hyderi Park, Golf Links, Elephant Falls, Umiam Lake – read: Sightseeing in Shillong
Also read — Must-Try Food When In Shillong, What To Buy When In Shillong and Plan a day-trip to Cherrapunjee When in Shillong
“And dances with the daffodils.” Love the Wordsworth quote.
I was born in Shillong and visited that beautiful heaven on earth every summer to my grand father’s huge old house Raigorgh. All my BEST childhood memories are only of Shillong . I was heart broken to see the concrete trying to successfully push its way into the land of pine and orchids, sad indeed. I like to remember my beautiful birth place the way I had left it many years ago. Thank you for your beautiful bloG.
So was I…spent the first 25-26 years of my life there. Everything beautiful is still Shillong, all though in memories now. Do you know they advertise ‘Get your own apartment’ in Shillong. I was shocked when I visited 2 yrs back. The city looks beyond repair now — the beautiful trees gone, the hills, the meadows. They only have ‘tourist points’ now.
I was looking for a blog who can reflect Shillong realistically not in commercial way. As all the tourism blog does. I wanted to feel the life here. I got that in your writing. i loved the view “Shillong in November” eagerly waiting for sweet pink November ( ^_^ ). well, I have just visited Shillong and i am already in love with this place.
Thank you for your lovely note. Yep..i love it in November in Shillong, although can be quite cold at that time of the year…
Have a good trip when you do!
I’m told it has been a very wet summer this year (2015). It started raining in April and ceased just after the Pujas (23/24 October). They had to release the water from Umiam lake several times. I haven’t visited Shillong since February 2013. The cold has already come to Shillong; quite early this year. I’m located in Delhi and even here the summer has gone and it is quite chilly as of now (28.10.2015, 10.00 PM). I think the 4 lane highway (GS Road) is complete by now. Ms. Patricia Mukhim, Editor of The Shillong Times reported that they had a good Puja this year! Now they are having various social activities and events happening.
Ya…winters are difficult in Shillong. But i love the flowers during this time…