Leopold Café. Since 1871. Colaba Causeway. Must-see for the traveler in Mumbai. Over-crowded at all times. Hyped. Real.
Yeah, all of the above runs through your mind as you are showed to your table here and you victoriously grab a chair. For how many can get into Leopold with having to wait outside for that coveted seat? We did and thanked our stars. The four of us were famished and could eat the pillars, ceilings, fans by then!
Leopold Cafe’s menu card is most eclectic – burgers, biryani, pastas, fresh juices, coffee. Multi cuisine, you say? Eclectic, I emphasize. An eclectic menu for the eclectic faces around me – the two boys at the corner table looked like they were trying to write the screenplay of a movie. Why else would they be looking at the patrons intently and jotting down their notes? And then there were the two ladies behind us, who looked like they tore away from a society-do to have coffee here. The pretty young girl eating a pastry and sipping coffee with her boyfriend. The bunch of foreigners, wearing salwar kameezes, and trying to absorb all that is India. And of course the four of us, bound by a common love, shopping
Leopold Café is all that you would have heard about or read about. The place to be seen in, the place to be FBed and Instagramed in!!
Food is good more or less. But seriously, how many people come here for food? They come here for their I-have-arrived moment.
So in case you are not dying of hunger, like we were, simply chill, relax, order a drink — Jayant tells me that their Eiffel Tower beer that is served in a tower-like container is amusing. We stuck to mosambi juices though!! And stay engrossed in your animated conversations with your friends. There’s one more thing you could do. Observe the place and try to figure out, Why the hype?