Morning Walk in Gangtey (Bhutan)

We had fallen in love with Gangtey the moment we set foot there. This is the only way we can perhaps, logically summarise, nay, explain our complete craziness for the quaint little village. Why? We had made a promise when dusk on the valley, the previous night – Will catch the morning sun. The first rays. And guess what? We woke up with the birds. It had rained throughout the night. And was still drizzling outside. Quite cold, the fire too had died off during the night. Jayant quickly lit the fireplace while we brushed and showered and got ready. Come rain, come sun, we are going out for a morning walk!

And thus braving the ominous clouds and the resulting chill, we headed out. Into the sharp morning air, the unpaved road, to the smell of pines and the chirping of birds, to the mist, to the clouds covered hills, to the horses grazing in the shrubs thicket, to the dripping wet pink rhododendrons, to the peek-a-boo game of the rising sun and the clouds, to the slow brightening of the lands faraway, to the beautiful birds hopping and pecking here and there, to the crossing of wooden bridges, to wild red berries hiding in the grasses, to the feeling and gratitude, Thank you God for bringing us here and showing us this…

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